Schoology Class Import

Sadlier Connect now offers the ability to import your Schoology Course as a Sadlier Connect class.

To access your Sadlier Connect account from Schoology, click the Sadlier Connect tool in your Course Navigation menu.

Approve your account

The first time you access Sadlier Connect from Schoology, you will be asked to authorize the account to be created:

  • Approve the account creation.
  • Remember which account you are using in Schoology.  You will need to be logged into Schoology using the same account each time.

Import your Schoology Class

Once in Sadlier Connect, Click the Gear icon and choose Manage Classes.

Click the Import from Schoology to see your Schoology classes.

Place the checkmark next to the class and click Import.

You will see your Canvas Course Name, but you will not see sections.

The class name ends up truncated with more than 14 or 15 characters. Mouse over the class name to see it fully.

Select your course and click the "Import" button.
Classes are imported with students.

Once your classes and students are imported you can begin using Sadlier Connect. Your students can use the Sadlier Connect tool in Schoology to access resources.

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